CELIA Laser et applications


D. Stoffel, Ph. Balcou, C. Bouquet, J.- P. Goossens, L. Lacampagne, S. Montant
Study of stress-induced birefringence in an inhomogeneously pumped laser rod with spatial and temporal resolution
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 36, 1044 (2019)

S. Rozen, A. Comby, E. Bloch, S. Beauvarlet, D. Descamps, B. Fabre, S. Petit, V. Blanchet, B. Pons, N. Dudovich, Y. Mairesse
Controlling Subcycle Optical Chirality in the Photoionization of Chiral Molecules
Physical Review X 9, 031004 (2019)

L. Quintard, V. Strelkov, J. Vabek, O. Hort, A. Dubrouil, D. Descamps, F. Burgy, C. Péjot, E. Mevel, F. Catoire, E. Constant
Optics-less focusing of XUV high-order harmonics
Science Advances 5, 7175 (2019)

A. Nguyen, K.J. Kaltenecker, J.C. Delagnes, B. Zhou, E. Cormier, N. Fedorov, R. Bouillaud, D. Descamps, I. Thiele, S. Skupin, P.U. Jepsen, L. Bergé
Wavelength scaling of terahertz pulse energies delivered by two-color air plasmas
Optics Letters 44, 1488 (2019)

P. Forestier-Colleoni, D. Batani, F. Burgy, D. Del Sorbo, F. Froustey, S. Hulin, E. d’Humières, K. Jakubowska, L. Merzeau, K. Mishchik, D. Papp, J. Santos
Space and time resolved measurement of pulse laser matter interactions
Physic of Plasmas 26, 072701 (2019)

A. Comby, D. Descamps, S. Beauvarlet, A. Gonzalez, F. Guichard, S. Petit, Y. Zaouter, Y. Mairesse
Cascaded harmonic generation from a fiber laser: a milliwatt XUV source
Optics Express 15, 20383 (2019)

E. Bloch, S. Beaulieu, D. Descamps, S. Petit, F. Légaré, A. Magunov, Y. Mairesse, V. Strelkov
Hyper-Raman lines emission concomitant with high-order harmonic generation
New Journ. Phys. 21, 073006 (2019)
